Ayurveda Products

Ayurveda in your daily life

Ayurveda in your daily life

Ayurveda in your daily life


Ayurveda was revealed to the world around 5000 years ago. It is one of the oldest medical systems in the world. It has a clinical experience record. It is a science that teaches us how to lead a healthy and happy life, Physically mentally and socially. For that we have to become "SWASTA". Swasta means sama dosha samagnischa, samadhathu malakriya, pranammatmendriya mana, swasta ityabhi dheeyathae".

The basic theory of ayurveda is related with "thridoshas" ie, VATA, PITTA, and KAPHA". They should be balanced ie "samadosha".Samagnischa happens where the digestion is normal. Without increase or decrease in digestive secreations, which help to absorb food for our body. The digested food is absorbed to keep the DHATHU (Rasa,Raktha etc.) healthy. There the excretion will also be normal.

If all these are normal the person will be happy with powerful Indriyas and mind, and thereby he will attain a SWASTHA state.
This is what Ayurveda teach us.

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